Aurecon is a leader in the field of fire engineering, with a strong reputation built on introducing new, practical fire engineering ideas and approaches for the complete spectrum of buildings and structures.

Fire engineering that provides design freedom and meets safety standards

Fire Engineering

The art and science of designing buildings and facilities for life safety and property protection in the event of an unwanted fire.

In many large and complex buildings, fire engineering is often the only way to provide a satisfactory standard of fire and life safety without compromising the design or function of the building.

Prescriptive building codes frequently result in design constraints which can add cost and reduce the functionality of a building. Aurecon’s fire engineering services consider the holistic building design, including occupant types, location, and the form and use of the building, to provide a practical client-focused alternative approach to compliance with regulatory building codes.

Performance-based fire engineering assesses the effects of fire and smoke on a building and occupants by analysing, from first principles, the specific fire risks. We can provide design freedom in large, unusual or complex buildings, as well as reduce unnecessary redundancy and cost that is inevitable with one-size-fits-all prescriptive codes. Most importantly, an appropriate level of safety is demonstrated rather than assumed.

Our difference

Aurecon is a leader in the field of fire engineering, with a strong reputation built on introducing new, practical fire engineering ideas and approaches for the complete spectrum of buildings and structures.

Our team has global experience in commercial, retail, industrial, transport (aviation, road and rail), power and communications infrastructure, hospitals and aged care, residential, defence projects and integrated communication centres.

We have the ability to adopt an all-encompassing approach to the engineered solution ensures the fire engineering design is fully integrated with the holistic building solution.

Value is added to projects by providing unique and innovative alternative solutions, while achieving specified levels of safety. Our solutions allow improved and cost-effective design, integrated solutions (both in the initial cost and ongoing maintenance), while ensuring the building design does not compromise the fire and life safety of occupants.

How we deliver

Our fire engineers work as part of a team to achieve design aspirations and business requirements by producing clear and technically sound fire engineering strategies for buildings, transport facilities, and infrastructure projects.

We recognise that in the initial stages of a project, it is imperative we respond quickly and develop ideas that positively contribute towards developing an effective, safe and efficient design. This ensures that building concepts are developed and presented to the client, end users and approval authorities prior to the completion of detailed design.

Aurecon’s core expertise is in finding creative, yet achievable fire engineering solutions for all types of buildings, structures and projects. Our aim is to always provide the most robust and flexible approach to fire safety, while minimising unnecessary costs and constraints on designers, as well as minimising future maintenance requirements.

Our services

We offer a complete range of fire engineering solutions designed to suit each specific project in a manner that ensures an appropriate level of life safety, property protection and business continuity.

These solutions encompass the following services:

  • Performance solutions
  • Fire hazard analysis
  • Evacuation analysis
  • Structural fire engineering
  • Probabilistic risk assessment


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