Aurecon Industry Awards 2019

Kylie Cochrane

Strongest Aurecon Attribute: Resourceful

Consult Australia 2018 Awards for Excellence

– Gold: Champions of Change Female Leadership

What Engineering = Humanity means to me:

I firmly believe that people who are impacted by a policy, project or business decision should have an opportunity to have some input into that decision – or in the case of a project, input into the engineering design.

By input I don’t mean a vote. It’s not, ‘Tell me what you want, and I’ll do it.’ It’s finding out the user/community expertise and adding it to the engineering design where it’s relevant. It takes time and effort to build rapport among your stakeholders, but once you go the extra mile to listen to their insights and feedback, you don’t just gain their trust, you also come up with more effective solutions that resonate with the users/community you are serving, resulting in better design.

Learn more about Kylie’s award and read her glimpses into the future:

You’ll find her posts on Aurecon’s Just Imagine blog.